Desde que tengo memoria siempre fui el bicho raro de la familia y de la escuela, tuve todos los apodos que se puedan imaginar, de hecho, recuerdo más de 20, no solo objeto de burlas en la escuela, sino también por parte de mi familia. Fui a un montón de escuelas diferentes, para mí un nuevo año escolar era la oportunidad de entrar a una escuela nueva y tratar de empezar de cero, nunca funcionó. Siempre había un grupo de niños listos para acosarme en cualquier momento, y mi vida siguió así, tan llena de acoso y violencia. La intimidación o bullying es algo que a menudo se cree un juego de un niños inocente, pero no lo es, muchas personas han pensado en el suicidio para escapar de su terrible realidad, yo no llamaría a eso un juego. Cuando entré en la escuela secundaria me pense que las burlas y apodos eran cosa del pasado, yo estaba muy feliz de iniciar una nueva etapa en mi vida, pensé que iba a tener un montón de amigos y que iba a pasar un buen rato pero no fue así, las cosas se pusieron peor, y por supuesto en la escuela preparatoria no fue diferente, por lo que no es una cuestión de los niños que no saben lo que hacen.
Since I have memory I always was the weirdo in the family and school, the called me all the nicknames you can think of, in fact I remember over 20, I was teased not at school but also by my family. I went to a lot different schools, to me a new school year was the opportunity to join a new school and start from scratch, never worked. There was always a group of kids ready to harass me at any time, and my life continued like that, so full of harassment and violence. Bullying is something that is often believed an innocent child's play, but it is not, many people have considered suicide to escape from their terrible reality, I wouldn't call that a simple game. When I entered secondary school I thought that teasing and nicknames were a thing of the past, I was very happy to start a new stage in my life, I thought I would have a lot of friends and that I was going to have a good time but it was not so, things got worse, and of course in high school was no different, so it is not a matter of children who don't know what they do.
Since I have memory I always was the weirdo in the family and school, the called me all the nicknames you can think of, in fact I remember over 20, I was teased not at school but also by my family. I went to a lot different schools, to me a new school year was the opportunity to join a new school and start from scratch, never worked. There was always a group of kids ready to harass me at any time, and my life continued like that, so full of harassment and violence. Bullying is something that is often believed an innocent child's play, but it is not, many people have considered suicide to escape from their terrible reality, I wouldn't call that a simple game. When I entered secondary school I thought that teasing and nicknames were a thing of the past, I was very happy to start a new stage in my life, I thought I would have a lot of friends and that I was going to have a good time but it was not so, things got worse, and of course in high school was no different, so it is not a matter of children who don't know what they do.